Monday, March 31, 2008

Greetings "Nantoka" brand non-competitor!

Dear friend,

Hello! Thank you for reading. And thank you for your commitment to not competing with the "Nantoka" brand. This product identification paradigm just began its VERY FIRST day of life and it is SO HAPPY to be getting the opportunity to help you and your dear ones choose only the very best services and productos.

As the name connotes, "Nantoka" is in need of some help in the naming department. So if you would like to interact with decision makers in this process, why not test out your creative skills to see whether your ideas spark any enthusiasm in the NantokaBrand marketing department? the answers you get back from our team might surprise you, and who knows...perhaps the skills you earn in completing this project will lead you to gainful, peaceful employment!

A few simple parameters for marketing the NantokaBrand can be found in the Free School of Katuah. as long as you abide by these covenants, you should have no problem creating a MEGA high-class marketing package for the NantokaBrand.

I need to go feed the April Fish to get ready for tomorrow, please have a beautiful day. -Suzy