Sunday, March 30, 2008

Happy 03-30-08

hi everybody, hope you are having a most wonderful day. it is a beautiful rainy one here.

if you are a competitor of the "Nantoka" brand getting launched tomorrow, please enjoy the final day of your vacation. tomorrow your real work will begin as the realization slowly, or quickly, dawns on you that the "Nantoka" brand has opened up a can of spaghetti for you that you are probably not quite ready for.

if you wish to quickly educate yourself in some ways you might keep this particular dish off your menu tomorrow, and every day, please feel free to navigate to the Free School of Katuah, where your information management needs will be met as time permits.

if you are a resident of Yatsugatake Sama, Kayford Sama, Brush Sama, the Gunnoe compound or the Blue Springs Food Security Cooperative please do not worry about getting served any strange spaghetti tomorrow as everybody in these communities will get served a Living Cultural Treasure meal as time permits.

also, if you are in a rainy realm today please avoid doing unpleasant work, since rain is a gift from the Creator and it should be honored (along with the Sabbath) by playing music, doing art projects, reading Scripture etc.

bye, thanks for reading. -Suzy