Thursday, January 17, 2008


hi everyone
hope your day is going beautifully

things here are fine, the snow is ultra-lovely, and deep.

this is an excellent day for river sculpting in Katuah. if you have not tried this neat endeavor yet you really should, especially if you have access to snow. when I get a bit of time I will publish info about the best way to sculpt a miniature river of H20 and risk-mitigating ikigai.

A snowstorm here means ( presumptively) that no babies, or very few babies, are situated within federally maintained public school buildings in the Raleigh County, West Virginia school district.

I love this!!! I hope that the babies who make the choice to go to back to school once the roads are clear will spend time doing some river sculptures on their school playground.

I need to go do chores now, have a wonderful day & thanks for reading. -Suzy
