Tuesday, March 04, 2008

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hi everyone, hope you are doing well.

many, many thanks to all those who made 02-29 such a wonderful day at the 111 gallery. When I get time I will post pictures and notes on the website. here are the gallery hours during daylight savings time:

Thursday 10-6
Friday 10-8
Saturday 10-6

"Was the Snaque Shaque installed at the party?" you may be wondering? HECK YES the Snaque Shaque was there yo. it was a mighty feed!

in other news, I am trying to be a very good nei-chan for Ayuwa'sifest. I know that times are really tough for Santa Tla'meha these days what with all the habitat loss, and the the mental health plagues popping up all over the place these days, and all that crazy propaganda and grandstanding out there which declares that things of value DO NOT in fact grow on trees and such.

Lo siento mucho, Santa-sama!

Dearest Santa Tla'meha, I am going to quit being a kinda-sorta liar about bat care TODAY, the almost-first day of Ayuwa'sifest, just for you because I love you so much! so here is my first un-adulterated bit of bat care truth today:


I am so sorry I let The Man slander you and bully me, Santa Sama! I am getting a crew together to help you Santa, please hang in there, as comfortably as you can!

