Tuesday, February 26, 2008

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hi everyone,

hope you are doing well. things here are fine. my computer programming career is not so stellar at the moment as the KILI birthday festivities collided with an important deadline in my software design class. so, I managed the best I could, and created a little reality in the computer in which an instance of a bat-unfriendly scenario is prevented, the Sacred Springs in Ayuwa'si are protected from harm, a magical book stops an aircraft operator from meeting his fiery doom, and the KILI radio is wished a very happy birthday. Somewhere in the Katuahnet there are some notes that would help a young learner duplicate the results I got with this reality building project.

I do not know of a free version of a VR software that is especially made to meet the VR modeling needs of permaculture buffs, but anyone who wishes to is welcome to modify the Happy Birthday Kili Radio card in order to make it a better tool for this application.

If someone wants to learn or apply the Alice program to a file modification which would embed a cache of top-notch granite carving tools within the landscape along with a treasure map in the Lakota language, Nantoka-sensei would be extremely happy with you and guarantees you an extra scoop of Legacy at the next Thanksgiving 2.0 meeting if you can bring verifiable proof of your efforts.

Just do me a favor if you will, if you run into my computer programming sensei: Give him a description of the digital dog that ate my homework at the last minute on 02-25-08.

I need to go now but hope you are all doing well. take care, thanks for reading. -Suzy