Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Brush sama had Kili Radio access last night, there was a very exciting broadcast about upcoming rides. here are the dates I remember. I took some notes and posted them somewhere, when I get time I will put them here.

Feb. 25 - KILI Radio celebration ride.
Early May - Cross-reservation ride.

Kili radio enthusiasts will be happy to know that the folks on the radio sounded like they were in very fine spirits, and not at all in the midst of being shot at in cold blood, which is always a fear of mine when Brush sama can't get the Kili radio signal.

No siege over there, as far as I could tell! Always a bonus.

I am getting some incredibly bizarre imaging anomalies happening here:

it appears as though Kili radio creates a rhythmic interference with the images on this page. I am curious to know if this is only happening on my computer. this is one of the oddest things I have seen on a computer.

I need to go now but hope you are all well. thanks for reading. -Suzy

ps. if you need, or would like to donate, trail supplies for a young or old rider who dreams of riding with the Lakota at one of these events, bless you! I will post info as soon as I can on how to make this easier for you.