Tuesday, March 29, 2005

machine is not me Posted by Hello

did you get my message? Posted by Hello

Monday, March 28, 2005

instinct is the sixth sense, but compassion is the seventhPosted by Hello

The Little Guy

 Posted by Hello


cognition is the elephant in the room.
art is our attempt to engage it in conversation.Posted by Hello


Posted by Hello


comet destroying a snack machine Posted by Hello

Saturday, March 12, 2005

haiku book of the dead

carry good words
when you step in these woods.

maintain a good posture.

this will warn ghosts that
you're smarter than them.


Friday, March 11, 2005

on depression

My dead moments
haunt me, now.

Their trusting little faces
are burned in my head.

I live this mourning for every little
Moment I forgot to adore;

for every little Moment I
neglected to value, and feed.

Little funerals might have been
nice at the time, but instead,

I just threw the lifeless bodies back in God's face,
screaming, It's broken, I hate you.
